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Don’t We Get a Vote on World War III?

The U.S. recently announced it would be sending 31 M-1 Abrams tanks into the war in Ukraine. This is merely the latest in a series of war material and funding the U.S. has provided to Ukraine over the past eleven months.


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Designsite Designsite

Himes – One to Watch on Digital Dollar

If the thought of a cashless society, government-issued digital currency, and the specter of some form of mandated medical passport cause you some concern, you have every right. Whether these concepts are currently on your personal radar screens, they will soon become an imperative for us all.


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The Betrayal Of Higher Education

“For the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander away to myths.


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Jim Himes Enables the Worst Elements of the Democrat Party

Jim Himes, the House Representative for CT-4, goes far out of his way to pose and present himself as a ‘moderate’ to his constituents here in Fairfield County.  Conventional wisdom for the past couple of decades tells us that the district has shifted from historically Republican to a ‘swing district.’  Therefore, Mr. Himes takes pains to consistently tell us he is a Moderate, aligned with the views and dynamics of his district.


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The Chinese have Executed a Historic ‘Flip-the-Script’

Are events over the past decade revealing one of the most ingenious geopolitical reversals of position and fortune in modern history? In just fifty years, have the Chinese, under Communist rule, gone from the world of rickshaws and bicycles which greeted Nixon and Kissinger in 1972, to the putative masters of the relationship?


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Designsite Designsite

The Pandemic Clock Strikes Five: Pandemic to Pandemonium

With the pace quickening, in a blink, our clock has literally skipped four and has struck pandemonium.  As May turned to June with red states reopening apace and blue states slow-walking the process, we were suddenly jolted from diminishing concerns regarding the Pandemic to staring kinetic Marxism straight in the face. 


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The Pandemic Clock Strikes 2: “Let My People Go”

As our metaphorical pandemic clock strikes two it seems the oxygen-breathing people of the country have caught a whiff of overkill in the air. Boat owners in Michigan are told sailboats are approved on the lake, while motorboats are not. Vermonters are told books and seeds are “non-essential” items and may not be purchased, even while sitting right there on the shelves.


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The First Tick of the Pandemic Clock

It’s still March and feeling like we’ve been cooped up forever, but we’re in only the first tick of a Wuhan Virus pandemic clock destined to possibly tick on for decades. In comparison to the multiple social, economic, geopolitical, and military impacts of 9-11, we are only at the equivalent point in time of impact of the second plane on the World Trade Center.


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