Bob MacGuffie: We Have Now Begun The ‘Resolution’ Of This Fourth Turning
December 14, 2024
Steve Bannon just had Bob back on to discuss his recent article, We Have Now Begun the 'Resolution' of this Fourth Turning. In the article, Bob contends that our current Fourth Turning, which commenced with the 2008 Financial Crisis, has now entered its 'Resolution' stage. We are not simply in choppy waters. Throughout history, Fourth Turnings, our 'Seventh Crisis,' inevitably reach a climax and resolution stage. Donald Trump's election signals we have indeed entered this Fourth Turning's 'resolution'. But Trump can't resolve it alone. In this interview, Bob traces this Turning's development, and how we each have to put our shoulders to the wheel to bring about a successful resolution for the American people.
The Chinese have Executed an Historic ‘Flip-the-Script’
June 23, 2022
Are events over the past decade revealing one of the most ingenious geopolitical reversals of position and fortune in modern history? In just fifty years, have the Chinese, under Communist rule, gone from the world of rickshaws and bicycles which greeted Nixon and Kissinger in 1972, to the putative masters of the relationship? Indeed, the current news flow from the far east seems to be filling in a picture where the leverage has clearly shifted to the former juniorpartner. Has a reversal of fortune, of which none in America’s ruling elite dare speak, been realized before our very eyes?
The Animating Spirit of Ordered Liberty
October 6, 2021
“Magnus ab integro saeclorum nascitur ordo” (A great order of the Ages is born from the renewal.)
– Vergil’s Fourth Eclogue
Our recently published book, “The Seventh Crisis – Why Millennials Must Re-Establish Ordered Liberty” takes its inspiration from “The Fourth Turning,” written by William Strauss and Neil Howe. Strauss and Howe’s work illuminates what they perceive as roughly one-hundred-year recurring patterns in Anglo-American history. Their study and organization of history along these recurring cycles, together with an analysis of those generations driving the events within them, have uncovered a unique, insightful, and compelling cyclical model.
It is Strauss and Howe’s contention that the influences and tenor of the times in which a generation rises into adulthood, profoundly impacts that generation’s leadership philosophy and approach when it eventually, in its mature stages, fully grasps the reins of influence over society. Strauss and Howe’s study looks back to the sixteenth century, and organizes those recurring mega-cycles each into four phases, which always end in a consequential, societal changing Crisis e.g., the American Revolution, the Civil War, and the Great Depression / WWII.
Afghanistan Falls – and a Fateful Gate of History Opens
September 14, 2021
As the current chapter of America’s involvement in Afghanistan comes to an ignominious, reprehensible, and deadly conclusion, these events may not represent an end at all, but the opening of a historic gate leading to a transformed world. Could we actually be living through a historic inflection point, mirroring that of a hundred years ago when the conflicts of World War I brought forth the dissolution of the great empires?
Does the utter humiliation of the United States abandoning Afghanistan in defeat, set in motion a shift in geopolitical tectonic plates representing a transformation in global political, economic, and military hegemony?
Into The Long Dark: San Francisco 2051
September 1, 2021
It is a fact of life that human beings rapidly learn about the immutability of the nature of Time:
The Past is unchangeable.
The Present is constantly in flux.
The Future is unknowable.
However, while immutable, humans have found ways to come to terms with Time’s unchangeable nature. That is, while the Past is unchangeable, it is open to re-interpretation and even falsehoods regarding it; the Present may be constantly in flux, but is also under the constant pressure of humans to control the nature and direction of that flux; and while the Future is unknowable, it faces constant attempts to be shaped by the Present so that reasonable forecasts can be made about how those in the Present want the Future to most likely look.
The Deep State Flexes its Muscle
July 27, 2021
“Deep State” had definitely been a below-the-radar term for decades until 2016 when it surfaced on conservative cable TV and was repeatedly used by on-air commentators. A more widely used term up to that point was the “Administrative State”, but that referred more narrowly to government organs.
The Deep State refers to the permanent federal government – its clique of embedded and intractable bureaucratic officials, plus selected influencers in non-government organizations (NGO), and the critical mega financial individual resources and outside conduits. It includes selected mass media corporate owners deploying their public-facing print and electronic “reporters” to control the “narrative” presented to the public justifying their actions. Significant swaths of the federal judiciary serve as backstop and enforcer to Deep State rule. In addition, the spawning grounds of the entire elitist mindset – university administration and professors within most “citadels of academia” round out the organs of power propelling Deep State rule.
Seeing the invisible revolution
The Marxists' long march through America's institutions
August 16, 2021
It is impossible to understand the so-called cultural clash in the United States without understanding the paradigm within which it has played out for over half a century. That paradigm is a very clever and pernicious construct that has been created and nurtured by the political Left since the mid-twentieth century.
As the Cold War began, the struggle between the two major victorious powers of the Second World War for ideological supremacy was clear: the Capitalist West, led by the United States, squared off against the nations in Eastern Europe that were under the total control of the Marxist-socialist Soviet Union. The Communist powers were joined within 10 years by China and their own satellites in North Korea and, to a great extent, revolutionary groups fighting in Southeast Asia, especially in Vietnam.
Economic Deceits are Debilitating the Republic
July 1, 2021
Americans not succumbing to the spell of the incessant leftist propaganda machine are acutely aware of the financial peril into which the ruling political and financial classes have driven us. Most may be unaware of the technicalities of the crisis, but they innately recognize that the government cannot live beyond its means, running budget-busting deficits for decades, without precipitating a consequential national financial reckoning which will shift the ground beneath the feet of every American.
The financial crisis of 2008 marks the point at which our nation slipped into a permanent state of economic crisis which has only intensified and continues today.
The Intertwined Snake of the American Party Duopoly
June 13, 2021
We’re sure many are familiar with the symbol of the “Caduceus,” which is often associated with the Medical Profession and is represented by a staff with two snakes intertwined around it. Hovering above the snakes is a set of wings. As the two snakes twist around the staff, they at times intersect and become unified, as one.
This symbol comes to mind as an apt metaphor when considering the decaying, two-party duopoly that supposedly contends for power in the electoral processes from which our “leaders” are “chosen.” The snakes, representing the Democrat and Republican parties, twist, fight and merge in a choreographed political dance along a staff that could very well stand for the political spectrum… twisting Left or Right upon it but always in one direction: toward more government.
The Advancing Globalist Agenda
June 1, 2021
The terms Globalist and Globalism are terms familiar to us all. They are terms that represent a serious agenda, and serious efforts and actions advanced to realize the goals of that agenda. But what exactly is that agenda, its aims and intended impacts on the United States? To understand we must go to source documents and public statements and actions by those formally and informally associated with its advancement. Because the truth of the entire globalist agenda and enterprise, like most of the projects of the Transnational Progressive movement, is clouded by media-enabled misrepresentation, misdirection, and distraction.
Transnational Progressivism itself is an elitist ideology that rejects all the stabilizing morals, politics and traditions of the past in favor of a radical new governing order that rejects National Sovereignty, national community, national culture, individual achievement, traditional religion, Judeo-Christian morality, Enlightenment ethics and free-market Capitalism.
The Fourth Turning Crisis Has Arrived
May 19, 2021
We have a rendezvous with destiny, and we must gird ourselves to win the battle ahead.
Sweeping political and cultural transformations occur during times of crisis. Our nation is in such a time now, and significant change may soon be coming whether we want it or not. Whether America reaffirms itself as a land of Constitutional freedom or whether it becomes just another plot of ground in a new socialist world order remains to be seen. This is a time for choosing. How we address this crisis in the next few years will define who we are as a nation for the rest of the century. The consequences for all Americans will be enormous, and especially so for Millennials.
Exactly what crisis are we in, you ask? Well, consider the staggering debt and looming economic collapse. An ever more aggressive China threatens confrontation and possible war. The Covid pandemic continues to rage around the world. Big Tech and Big Media are restricting free speech and fixing elections with the compliance of the administrative state in Washington. The border is being overrun. Schools no longer teach our history or what it is to be an American. At the head of it all is Joe Biden and his gang of race-baiting socialists purposely dividing the country, driving it into collapse, so the great reset into a Marxist world government can begin.
So yes, we are in a crisis where the future of our way of life hangs in the balance.
Review of The Seventh Crisis: Why Millennials Must Re-Establish Ordered Liberty by Bob MacGuffie and Antony Stark
May 9, 2021
The Seventh Crisis: Why Millennials Must Re-Establish Ordered Liberty is a very, very interesting book. Written by two of the main figures behind the Tea Party, Bob MacGuffie and Antony Stark, it’s a combination of viewing history through a cyclical lens, an examination of why modern American politics have gone so wrong and are headed in a bad direction, and what younger generations should do to preserve liberty.
As a disclosure, a free copy was sent to me by an interested reader that wanted me to review the book, but that will not affect my review of it.
So, without further ado, here’s my take on what The Seventh Crisis is about and why you should read it!
The central premise of The Seventh Crisis is that history is cyclical. More specifically, it’s that history can be divided into different cycles and that those cycles and our reaction to them are driven forward by the generation or generations coming of age during the pivotal events of the crisis.
The authors posit that the current national crisis America is experiencing, one of incompetent, corrupt governance and a drifting creep toward socialism is the seventh one that the Anglosphere has experienced since Columbus’s arrival in the New World (hence the title) and that the way to overcome this current political, cultural, economic, and philosophical crisis is for Americans coming of age right now, especially the Millennials and Gen Z, to recover the concept of ordered liberty.
The Animating Spirit Of Ordered Liberty
May 3, 2021
The year 2020 will most certainly be remembered as a year that tested the grit, will, and resolve of the American people. The “pandemic” created a culture of fear and retreat at first, somewhat reasonable, given the unknown threat of the virus. However, as contradictory independent data and treatments from medical experts surfaced, many began to see the requests for governmental shut-downs and masks and their profound crushing economic and psychological threats as tyrannical edicts. The independent and anecdotal experiential data just wasn’t squaring with what was coming from D.C. and other controlling institutions. A divide re-emerged, a divide between those willing to accept governmental and/or monopolistic dictates and those who yearned for the kind of Libertyproposed in our Constitution.
Notably, as independent data and evidence began to unfold, it was simultaneously censored with terrifying and coordinated precision by the media, Big Tech, our government, many in the academic community, and some in the medical community—raising questions about what games were being played and why. Some Americans emerged or re-emerged—as is the case of the two authors whose book is discussed here—to expose and fight against the governmental edicts and the seemingly coordinated media-driven narratives. Many now perceive the imposed mandates to have been mere excuses for control.
Steve Bannon’s War Room
April 10, 2021
Marty Heiser Show
March 31, 2021
American Thinker: The Seventh Crisis and the Millennials
March 27, 2021
Over the course of recent decades our country has endured an assault on its institutions, its traditions, and its good and decent people. This relentless assault has driven the country into a grave crisis, causing it to pass through a great gate of history. This crisis will be momentous, consequential, and we will be profoundly changed by it.
Our nation has experienced similar existential crises before in the American Revolution, the Civil War and the Great Depression/World War II. Each of these crucibles brought about wide-ranging transformations. As events have accelerated in the past several years, there appears to be little doubt the nation has entered another such crisis.
Why do we term this the seventh crisis? In their 1997 book, The Fourth Turning, demographers William Strauss and Neil Howe viewed history through a generational lens. Their compelling account organizes Anglo-American history into seven repeating cycles starting in the fifteenth century.
The authors make a compelling case that man’s nature, as forged by generation, drives history through amazingly similar cycles by distinguishing four generations by the phase into which each was born.